Skilled Listening

In-person Workshops


How to tune in to what others are really saying

This 90-minute live workshop supercharges learners’ understanding of listening, exploring the critical, active role that listening can play when people know how to focus, amplify and clarify. Skilled listening can transform relationships, both in and out of work, helping others feel heard, valued and to make sense of their experiences.

Everyone benefits from refining their listening skills, but this workshop is specifically for:

  • Anyone who needs to work with other people to get things done
  • Leaders with teams who need their guidance and care
  • Anyone who relies on customer or colleague feedback
  • Anyone wanting to add to their engagement, culture, wellbeing, or D&I programmes

You will receive a complete facilitator pack including scripted session plan, slideshow, activity materials and a take-away guide to skilled listening.


Why is it that we generally think of ourselves as good listeners, yet our personal experience tells us we don’t feel listened to? Because skilled listening – where you listen consciously to build understanding - is being drowned out by the constant stream of communication we are fighting to filter out or tune into.

Refining people’s listening helps them to see what really matters, where the challenges are, what help others need and what action to take – giving people greater insight to make meaningful decisions.

What do you learn?

What skilled listening really looks like, how to recognise personal listening behaviours and understand what is driving them, and how to apply three powerful listening techniques to help take listening to the next level.

When Skilled Listening will help

Anytime is the right time for this one, but it is particularly helpful:

  • When people are promoted to people-management or leadership roles
  • When team collaboration is crucial or when there is tension in the team
  • When you want to create a great customer and colleague experience

The detail:

  • 90-minute live workshop
  • Up to 12 participants
  • Delivered in person
  • Facilitate yourself or with the help of an NKD Facilitator